Bikram Yoga Glenelg

Bikram yoga is a series of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises performed in a heated room of 40 degrees celcius. The series is scientifically designed to provide a 100% body workout. By the end of the series you have worked every muscle, organ, tendon, ligament, gland and system of the body. The heat is included to dialate blood vessels and allow for increased blood flow to areas of the body worked. It is also a great detox for the body and skin and safer for muscles in the heat.

All of our highly qualified teachers have attended the Bikram Yoga teacher training course, an intense 9 week course learning about and practicing the 26 posture sequence, dialogue, anatomy and physiology, yoga therapy and much much more.

Come and try a class and be amazed by the benefits and how fabulous you feel after class. There is nothing quite like it.


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